Substance Abuse Policy
The Edmonds School District (#8235) recognizes that the use/abuse and possession of alcohol, controlled, illegal, addictive, or harmful substance(s), including anabolic steroids, is a societal problem and may represent impairment to the normal development, well-being, and academic performance of students. To ensure the safety, health, and well-being of all students, the District is committed to the development of a program which emphasizes prevention, intervention, aftercare support, and necessary corrective action.
Any student who is under the influence of, or possesses, sells, offers for sale, or distributes alcohol or controlled substances or drug paraphernalia will be considered under the disciplinary category of exceptional misconduct, which warrants an immediate resort to a suspension or expulsion.
A student under the influence or in possession will be suspended for 30 days and be referred to police. For a first time offense, some days may be held in abeyance if the student agrees to undergo a UA and assessment and compliance with treatment recommendations through a licensed agency. He/she will not be allowed to resume classes until the school receives documentation of a completed UA and an appointment for assessment at a licensed agency, and ongoing proof of the student's compliance with all recommendations. While the primary obligation to seek assistance rests with the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) school staff shall work with the home and community to develop and implement a comprehensive prevention and intervention program. School staff may refer him/her to an appropriate program. The parent(s)/guardian(s) and student will be asked to sign a Release Form allowing a professional treatment center to confer with the school regarding the findings, recommendations, and follow-up program. In order to continue in school, the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) must agree to participate in any follow-up treatment recommended by the treatment center. When treatment is recommended, it must begin within two (2) weeks of the assessment. Meadowdale's goal is to help students eliminate obstacles that impede healthy growth, development, and achievement.
Subsequent offenses will result in a long term suspension and referral to law enforcement. Students who distribute drugs or alcohol on school property face expulsion and criminal charges. All vehicles parked on school property are expected to be drug, alcohol and weapon free.