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Communication Devices and Cellular Phones

All electronic communication devices/cell phones are not to be out or in use during instructional hours. Such devices will be confiscated. Progressive discipline will be imposed for students who continue to violate policy:

1st offense: Confiscation of the item for remainder of school day.

2nd offense: Confiscation of the item and student conference with administrator at end of day.

3rd offense: Confiscation of item, parent conference and pick up of item.

4th offense: Confiscation of item and imposition of discipline.

Please refer to Edmonds School District policy #8705 R1, for additional procedures pertaining to electronic communication devices/cell phones. The school is not liable for lost or stolen items.

Students have access to a phone in the main office. In the event of an emergency, parents are urged to contact the Main Office (425)431-7650 or Attendance Office (425) 431-7654 so that the student can be notified immediately.