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Welcome to Meadowdale High!

Meadowdale High School is a public school in the Edmonds School district serving students in grades 9 through 12. 

Interim Principal: Kim Whitworth

Assistant Principal: Kimberly Dreier

Assistant Principal: Deann Anguiano

School Hours

Start Time: 7:20 a.m.
End Time Mondays - Thursdays: 1:52 p.m.
End Time Fridays: 12:35 p.m.
Half-Day Early Release: 10:20 a.m.

Main Office: 425-431-7650
Hours: 7am-3pm

Attendance Office: 425-431-7654
Hours: 7am-2:15pm

Counseling Office: 425-431-7658
Hours: 7am-3pm

ASB/Activities Office: 425-431-6450
Hours: 8am-2:30pm

College/Career Center: 425-431-6408

About Our Building

Opened: 1998, thanks to the voter-approved 1994 Capital Construction Bond
Square footage: 197,306
We are proud that our school facility is used extensively by our community for meetings, events and youth activities.
Meadowdale High Construction Project